
OTD 6100 Introduction to Occupations

Course Description: The historical foundations of occupational therapy as they relate to the theories that underlie practice are examined. The basic constructs of relevant occupations and purposeful activity are analyzed within a person/environment/performance framework. The roles and responsibilities of occupational therapists and other health care team members are discussed.

OTD 6105 Introduction to Occupations Lab (1 credit): This lab course is taught concurrently with OTD 6100 to provide application of the occupational therapy process along with an introduction to documentation. (2 credits)

OTD 6105 Introduction to Occupations Lab

Course Description: This lab course is taught concurrently with OTD 6100 to provide application of the occupational therapy process along with an introduction to documentation. (1 credit)

OTD 6110 Health Conditions I

Course Description: This course presents concepts of human pathology and models of disease with primary emphasis placed on selected condition’s, etiology, signs and symptoms, clinical course, prognosis, medical testing, and implications for occupational therapy. (3 credits)

OTD 6120 Human Anatomy for Occupational Therapy

Course Description: This course presents an integrated regional approach to the study of the structure and function of the human body with emphasis on the musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous system. The study of the fundamental tissues, organs, and other systems of the body cavities are also included. (2 credits)

OTD 6125 Human Anatomy for Occupational Therapy Lab

Course Description: This lab course is taught concurrently with the Anatomy lecture to provide application of the structure and function of the human body with an emphasis on the upper body through hands-on lab activities utilizing diagrams, models, and specimens. (1 credits)

OTD 6130 Scholarship I: Evidence-Based Practice

Course Description: This course introduces evidence-based practice (EBP), analysis of clinical and educational research, and the development of scholarly writing skills. Emphasis is on systematic investigations performed on human subjects that are related to the principles and practices of the profession. (2 credits)

OTD 6200 Instructional Design

Course Description: Specific instruction in teaching methodologies and techniques are provided through practical experiences in specifying objectives, planning lessons, preparing instructional materials, and experience with the praxis of teaching. (1 credit)

OTD 6210 Biomechanics and Human Movement

Course Description: This course is designed to study movement of the human body. Biomechanical principles are studied. Relationships between bones, nerves and muscles to normal and abnormal movement, posture and gait are discussed. Problem solving and group assignments allow the opportunity to practice application of these principles. (3 credits)

OTD 6225 Foundational Skills Lab I

Course Description: This lab course provides hands-on instruction of foundational skills as they relate to the occupational therapy process. The skills and techniques of assessment and application of occupational performance are emphasized including body mechanics, energy conservation, adaptive equipment, and transfers. (2 credits)

OTD 6230 Psychosocial Theory and Performance:

Course Description: Theoretical frames of reference and practice models for prevention, intervention, and management of psychological and social disorders are presented. This course provides a foundation for observing and understanding client behavior as it occurs across occupational therapy practice settings. (4 credits)

OTD 6235 Psychosocial Performance Lab

Course Description: The lab course, offered in conjunction with OTD 6230, introduces therapeutic approaches to psychosocial performance, including purposeful activity, human performance, and adaptation. Therapeutic use of self, psychosocial assessments, and the group process are emphasized. (2 credits)

OTD 6240 Scholarship II: Process

Course Description: This course expands on qualitative and quantitative research design, methodology, and analysis in clinical and educational research. Emphasis is on selecting appropriate research designs and analysis methods based on clinical scenarios including descriptive, non-parametric, and parametric statistics. (3 credits)

OTD 6245 Scholarship II Lab

Course Description: This lab includes the execution of methodology and design within a mentored research project.(.5 credit)

OTD 6250 Fieldwork and Professional Development I

Course Description: This course is designed to facilitate student professional development as they transition to fieldwork experiences in clinical and community settings. Content includes development of professional behaviors, nature and focus of fieldwork experiences, knowledge of fieldwork policies and procedures, and fieldwork site preparation. (1 credit)

OTD 6300 Management in Occupational Therapy

Course Description: This course prepares the student in the theory and practical application of management and systems in the provision of occupational therapy services to persons, groups, populations, and organizations. (2 credits)

OTD 6310 Leadership in Occupational Therapy

Course Description: This course focuses on the definition and execution of leadership roles within the scope and practice of occupational therapy. Students develop programming for the delivery of occupational therapy services for persons, groups, and populations in the community. (2 credits)

OTD 6325 Foundational Skills Lab II

Course Description: This lab course provides hands-on instruction of foundational skills as they relate to the occupational therapy process. The skills and techniques of assessment and application of occupational performance are emphasized including goniometry and manual muscle testing. (2 credits)

OTD 6335 Occupational Problem-Based Learning Lab

Course Description: This course employs a case-based format to foster critical thinking, problem identification, and critical reasoning to facilitate the development of client-centered reasoning. This lab incorporates a variety of media formats, group processes, and theoretical frameworks to identify the contribution of occupational therapy to health functioning or restoration of function. (2 credits)

OTD 6340 Occupational Performance: Birth Through Adolescence

Course Description: Human development from birth through adolescence is considered from an occupational perspective. Cognitive, sensory, motor, and psychosocial development and performance of occupations and role competence are emphasized. (2 credits)

OTD 6350 Occupational Performance: Adulthood & Geriatrics

Course Description: This course provides continued study of human developmental theories and factors influencing development from young adulthood through senescence. Typical changes in client factors and performance factors are presented contextually considering activity demands, role competence, health and prevention, and quality of life. (2 credits)

OTD 6365 Occupational Performance Lab

OTD 6365 Occupational Performance Lab

Course Description: This lab course provides practical application concurrent with OTD 6640 and OTD 6350. (1 credit)

OTD 6370 Scholarship III: Analysis & Dissemination

Course Description: Students collect, analyze, synthesize, and disseminate data generated from scholarly work. (3 credits)

OTD 6375 Scholarship III Lab

Course Description: This lab provides a mentored experience engaging in data collection, analysis, synthesis, and dissemination. (.5 credit)

OTD 6380 Fieldwork and Professional Development II

Course Description: This course promotes student professional development through engagement in the community setting. Students will work in collaboration with community partners to apply knowledge of evidence-based practice within natural settings which include a broad base of contexts and populations. (1 credit)

OTD 7420 Functional Neuroscience

Course Description: This course is designed to introduce basic and applied neurological principles. Human behavior and performance is evaluated in relation to function and dysfunction of the nervous system. (4 credits)

OTD 7410 Neurorehabilitation Theory and Performance

Course Description: This course incorporates theories and conceptual models of assessment and intervention of clients with neurological deficits who have impairments with occupational performance. Theories of neurological rehabilitation, motor control, and motor learning are discussed as they relate to a variety of clients with neurological dysfunction. Specific assessment and intervention strategies to improve occupational performance are explored. (4 credits)

OTD 7415 Neurorehabilitation Performance Lab

Course Description: This lab course, offered in conjunction with OTD 7410, provides therapeutic approaches to purposeful activity, human performance, and adaptation. It provides the student experience with assessment and intervention strategies commonly used by occupational therapists in the treatment of individuals with neurological and occupational performance deficits. (2 credits)

OTD 7510 Musculoskeletal Theory and Performance

Course Description: This course incorporates theories and conceptual models of assessment and intervention of clients with musculoskeletal deficits who have impairments with occupational performance. Specific assessment and intervention strategies to improve occupational performance are explored. (4 credits)

OTD 7515 Musculoskeletal Performance Lab

Course Description: This lab course, offered in conjunction with OTD 7510, provides therapeutic approaches to purposeful activity, human performance, and adaptation. It provides the student experience with assessment and intervention strategies commonly used by occupational therapists in the treatment of individuals with musculoskeletal and occupational performance deficits. (2 credits)

OTD 7520 Children & Youth in Health Systems

Course Description: This course provides application of occupational therapy theories, frames of reference, and models utilized within pediatric practice in health care. Occupational therapy practitioner roles and responsibilities with children and their families will be explored within health care systems to include acute inpatient, inpatient rehabilitation, outpatient clinics, and residential care. (2 credits)

OTD 7525 Pediatric Performance in the Clinic Lab

Course Description: This lab course, offered in conjunction with OTD 7520, focuses on the evaluation, intervention and documentation process for children receiving OT services within health care system with atypical development and medical conditions. Course provides application of standardized and criterion-referenced evaluations and intervention strategies based on theoretical frames of reference and evidence-based practices. (1 credit)

OTD 7530 Children & Youth in the Community

Course Description: This course incorporates theories and frames of reference models applied within community-based pediatric practice areas. Occupational therapy practitioner roles and responsibilities with children/students, families, and school communities are explored to include early intervention services, early childhood preschool programming, and school age programming. (2 credits)

OTD 7535 Pediatric Performance in the Community Lab

Course Description: This course incorporates theories and frames of reference models applied within community-based pediatric practice areas. Occupational therapy practitioner roles and responsibilities with children/students, families, and school communities are explored to include early intervention services, early childhood preschool programming, and school age programming. (1 credit)

OTD 8500 Capstone Seminar I: Exploration

Course Description: Students examine areas of professional interest including clinical practice skills, research skills, administration, leadership, program and policy development, advocacy, education, and theory development under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Students explore community partnerships and nontraditional practice settings, which may support specified interest areas. (2 credits)

OTD 7450 Access and Technology

Course Description: This course examines the use of accessible and assistive technologies in occupational therapy practice. Students synthesize foundational knowledge and evidence with current and future practice trends. Students engage in both the arts and science of occupational therapy and focus on innovation within the practice. (2 credits)

OTD 7610 Fieldwork and Professional Development III

Course Description: This course promotes the development of professional skills necessary for innovative practice in a variety of systems and service models. Course content includes development of professional resume, preparation for the ethical supervision of occupational therapy and non–occupational therapy personnel, knowledge of state and national requirements for credentialing and licensure and preparation for Level II professional experiences. (1 credit)

OTD 8510 Capstone Seminar II: Preparation

Course Description: In collaboration with a faculty mentor, students develop their doctoral capstone project proposal. This culminating project relates theory to practice and demonstrates synthesis of advanced knowledge. (1 credit)

OTD 8000 Level IIA Fieldwork

Course Description: Fieldwork assignments are arranged internships under direct supervision of a registered occupational therapist. Level II Fieldwork is designed to promote clinical reasoning and reflective practice, to transmit the values and beliefs that enable the application of ethics related to the profession, to communicate and model professionalism as a developmental process and a career responsibility, and to develop and expand a repertoire of occupational therapy assessments and treatment interventions related to human performance. (6 credits)

OTD 8050 Level IIB Fieldwork

Course Description: This is the second fieldwork experience. See OTD 8000. (6 credits)

OTD 8525 Capstone A Experience

Course Description: This is the first part of a 14-week (560 hour) experience, which is completed off-site in a mentored practice setting to ensure a concentrated experience in the designated area of interest in clinical practice skills, research skills, administration, leadership, program and policy development, advocacy, education, or theory development. This experience is designed to provide the student with in-depth experience and exposure to their chosen area of interest and result in of synthesis and application of knowledge. (5 credits)

OTD 8540 Capstone Seminar III: Process

Course Description: Students initiate their doctoral capstone project and prepare to disseminate the findings from their scholarly work. (1 credit)

OTD 8535 Capstone B Experience

Course Description: This is the second part of a 14-week (560 hour) experience, which is completed off-site in a mentored practice setting to ensure a concentrated experience in the designated area of interest in clinical practice skills, research skills, administration, leadership, program and policy development, advocacy, education, or theory development. This experience is designed to provide the student with in-depth experience and exposure to their chosen area of interest and result in of synthesis and application of knowledge. (3 credit)

OTD 8550 Capstone Seminar IV: Product and Presentation

Course Description: Students complete and reflect on their doctoral capstone project. The students present their capstone project and discuss findings in a professional forum. (1 credit)

OTD 9000 Special Topics

Course Description: This course provides students to opportunity to examine special topics in occupational therapy practice and fosters advanced practice skills. The content is determined in collaboration with faculty mentors and students. (Elective; 1-4 credits)